Luxury Honeys

Our Processs

From the Bee's Home to Your Spoon.

Crafting the world’s premier honey requires expert hands. We diligently ensure each product mirrors nature’s pure intent.

It all begins with the hive.

Honeybees, inherently sociable creatures, thrive in colonies comprising a singular queen, multitudes of male drones, and up to 80,000 dedicated female worker bees. These bees journey to Yemen’s native Doani flowers, collecting the prized nectar to transport back to their hive. As this nectar resides in the bee’s honey sac, it amalgamates with essential enzymes and proteins, crafting the initial essence of Doani honey. To achieve the perfect consistency, bees transfer the nectar to honeycombs and meticulously work to evaporate excess moisture. Using a harmonious blend of their collective warmth and the airflow from their fluttering wings, they produce the rich Doani honey that Bee Natural proudly offers.


Once we’ve carefully removed the frame from the hive, it’s transported to our Bee Natural production facility in Yemen, where the magic of transforming it into Doani honey begins. The art of honey extraction starts by delicately breaking the wax cap encasing each cell of the honeycomb. After the cap is opened, we place the frame into our specialized honey extractor. Leveraging the centrifugal extraction method, the frames are spun, allowing the pristine Doani honey to flow out gracefully. The final touch? We meticulously screen the honey, ensuring any wax remnants are removed, offering you the purest taste of Yemen’s finest.


Backlit jar accentuating the clarity and depth of Royal Sidr Doani Honey.
Once the fresh Doani honey is extracted, it’s methodically stored in drums. Thereafter, our technical department collects samples, which are sent to distinguished independent labs in Yemen for analysis. We’re steadfast in our commitment to multi-lab testing throughout the honey’s aging process, ensuring the data gathered is both accurate and reliable. Our unique aging methodology for our select honey range enables the UMF properties to flourish and mature to their fullest potential. This unwavering dedication to excellence is why Bee Natural stands out as a beacon of Yemen’s finest Doani honey. Post-harvest, our elite Doani honey is nurtured to perfection in temperature-regulated facilities. This ensures we attain the peak MGO/UMF levels. Only after ensuring its premium quality do we lovingly pack our honey into our sustainable containers. This deliberate and gentle maturation process safeguards the honey’s natural enzymes and attributes, echoing nature’s pure intent.


A pristine jar brimming with the amber glow of Royal Sidr Doani Honey.
Upon achieving its zenith of maturation, the raw Doani honey is gracefully channeled into our specialized creaming tank. Here, it undergoes a meticulous whipping process spanning approximately three days. This intricate journey of transformation from liquid gold to a lusciously creamy texture, coupled with a deep, robust flavor profile, is a testament to our skilled honey artisans. Drawing inspiration from age-old Yemeni traditions, they deftly apply time-honored methods of creaming, ensuring each batch retains the essence of its origins. At Bee Natural, our commitment to excellence is unwavering. Hence, we opt for blending our prized honey in limited, controlled batches. This not only guarantees consistency in flavor and texture but also ensures rigorous quality control, reflecting our pledge to deliver nothing short of the best.


Backlit jar accentuating the clarity and depth of Royal Sidr Doani Honey.
Bee Natural is unwavering in its commitment to sustainability, a value echoed in our conscientiously crafted packaging choices. For our Limited Reserve Doani honey, we trust the enduring cycle of recycled glass – a material that’s 100% recyclable and boasts infinite reusability. Our rPET plastic jars, molded from recycled PET, are complemented with HDPE recyclable lids, ensuring they stand testament to eco-friendliness. Free from BPA and Phthalates, these jars, once divested of their labels, are wholly recyclable, underscoring our ethos of minimizing environmental impact. Notably, rPET emerges as an energy-efficient packaging material. At Bee Natural, every packaging decision is anchored in responsibility, as we only collaborate with suppliers who uphold the gold standard of sustainable forest management.

Warehousing and Shipment

A pristine jar brimming with the amber glow of Royal Sidr Doani Honey.
At Bee Natural, we take pride in managing our warehousing and shipment processes directly from our central storage facilities in the UAE. Each international order placed through our website is meticulously dispatched and closely monitored. To cater to our expansive international exports, we’ve partnered with top-tier logistics experts, ensuring that every product reaches its destination in impeccable condition.

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